2 things in this life are certain: death, and me turning perfectly good photos into black and white. I frickin loved this session in color; his pale blue shirt, khaki pants, and gorgeous hair & face gave me that fire inside that every photographer chases. Buuut then I started applying my black and white edit to a couple images and here we are.

I feel like black and white gives us so much more mystery and soul.

black and white portrait of a young man posing in a grass field holding flowers, tucking long curly hair behind his ear
black and white portrait of a young man posing standing in a field, holding flowers to his face
black and white portrait of a young man posing holding flowers in one hand, running his other hand through his hair
black and white portrait of a young man posing holding flowers at arms length, eyes fixed on the ground
black and white portrait of a young man posing in the grass, adjusting his shirt, staring at the camera
black and white portrait of a young man posing holding one arm with the other hand, his curly hair blown across face
black and white portrait of a young man posing sat in tall grass, resting his head in his hand
black and white portrait of a young man posing sat in high grass, looking off to the left, resting his face in his hand
black and white portrait of a young man posing sat in high grass, his arm resting on his knee, gazing at the camera
black and white portrait of a young man posing sat in the grass, a butterfly rests on his hand
black and white portrait of a young man posing sat in a field, a butterfly rests on his cheek
black and white portrait of a young man posing sat in a field, a butterfly rests on his cheek

Location: Apollo Pennsylvania

Time: May 2023 7-8pm

Model: Robert Martin @robertmarrtin

Floral: Luna Joy Flower Farm @lunajoyflowerfarm